buat lu yang suka maen game di HaPe...
nih ada link yang mantap ada sekitar 5000 lebih games di sana
donwload aja ampe pulsa lu habis
it's free
this the url --->
Kumpulan Game Hp
Label: mobilephone
My Tools
Peralatan/software editing yg gw pake cukup simple aja...
Adobe Photshop CS3 "freak" alias aneh edition (file only 50mb)
- gw pake versi ini karena ringan banget di kompi tapi fasilitas sih sama aja ama yg premium
- untuk masukin plugin tinggal di copy aja ke folder photshop plugin
- nginstallnya simple and cepet beda jauh deh ama premium
Plugin gw pake imagenomic bundle
- noiseware
- portraiture
lainnya pake lucis art dan beberapa plugin lain..tapi jarang dipake..
Brush di sesuaikan dengan design yg mau di buat
Action semua hampir gw buat sendiri..(tar gw coba di bahas di blog ini)
lainnya...hmmm paling pake software corel 13 kalo lg butuh vektor
udah deh kayaknya segitu.... it's simple....
Oh iya camera guwe udah jadul
canon eos 350D + bg3 (battery grip)
lensa gw pake canon + filter hoya
lighting gw pake yg murah aja
pro 500 2buah plus softbox
yinyan 400 2 buah umbrella
kompie pake desktop jadul ama laptop
just it maybe......
Label: just comment
Kodak Digital Pro PlugIn For Adobe Photoshop
Kodak Digital Pro Plugin For Photoshop
Gem Pro
Roc Pro
Sho Pro
Gem Airbrush
Label: photoshop tools
Rons Brush Collection for Adobe Photoshop
Damn... this really alot brushes collection
you must have this collection
the bundle size 600 mb in rar
Label: photoshop tools
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium
* Adobe InDesign CS3Download
* Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
* Adobe Illustrator CS3
* Adobe Acrobat® 8 Professional
* Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
* Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
* Adobe Fireworks CS3
* Adobe Contribute® CS3
* Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional
* Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
* Adobe Soundbooth CS3
* Adobe Encore CS3
* Adobe Flash CS3 Video Encoder
passkey :
Label: software
How to Cheat in PhotoShop CS3: The Art of Creating Photorealistic Montages
Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books
by Steve Caplin
Pub. Date: June 2007
ISBN-13: 9780240520629
417 pages
PDF only
Label: video tutorial
Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 41
Advanced Photoshop Magazine Issue 41
PDF | English | 100 pages | 203 MB
The latest and greatest techniques:
- Hollywood poster effects
- Paint digital portraits
- Top ten Photoshop problems solved
Creative Tutorials
Challenging & inspiring Masterclasses inc:
- Expert lighting techniques
- Illustrations with impact
- Create a Victorian street scene
Also featured;
- Type art explored
- Behind the scenes at design studios
- Interview with Simon Plant
Label: magazine
Photoshop Creative Magazine pack 1-24
Photoshop Creative Magazine pack 1-24
English | PDF | 15-21MB each
Download :
http://ucash.in/2a59213 | http://ucash.in/2a59214
http://ucash.in/2a59215 | http://ucash.in/2a59216
http://ucash.in/2a59217 | http://ucash.in/2a59218
http://ucash.in/2a59219 | http://ucash.in/2a5921a
http://ucash.in/2a5921b | http://ucash.in/2a5921c
http://ucash.in/2a5921d | http://ucash.in/2a5921e
http://ucash.in/2a5921f | http://ucash.in/2a59220
http://ucash.in/2a59221 | http://ucash.in/2a59222
http://ucash.in/2a59223 | http://ucash.in/2a59224
http://ucash.in/2a59225 | http://ucash.in/2a59226
http://ucash.in/2a59227 | http://ucash.in/2a59229
http://ucash.in/2a5922b | http://ucash.in/2a5922e
Label: magazine
Popular Photography - May 2008
* 101 Tip Special.
* Wildlife: Great photos near your home.
* Scenics: Mountains! Canyons! Volcanes!
* Raw: How to get it right... It's easy.
* Photoshop Elements: Relax, help is here.
* USA vacation photo superguide.
* Flash: Best how-to ever!!
Label: magazine